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Santana Successful at L. A. Chapter Summer Dressage Show

Congratulations Marta F. Kauffman and Santana!!
I just found out (I know, sometimes I’m slow) that at the L. A. Chapter Summer Dressage Show recently, Santana (Show Star – Donnerschwee) finished the show as FEI Reserve Champion! This was based on his 2 day successes at Prix St. Georges… Ridden by Jaye Cherry, Santana was purchased as a 3 yr old at the German Oldenburger Mixed Auktion, and over the years has had much success – it’s great to see he’s back at it again!!!

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Sondheim Daughters Together at El Sueno Dressage Show

Recently, Sondheim was well represented at the El Sueno Dressage show, by two of his daughters.

Hilda Gurney bred both mares – Springtime and Stunning – who are FULL sisters! By Sondheim OLD and out of a Winterprinz mare, Hilda also owns Springtime.  Adrienne Bessey owns Stunning, and actually won ALL of her classes this weekend with scores ranging from 70+5 to 80.4%!!

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Stunning Wins AGAIN!

At the prestigious Flintridge Dressage Show 2019, over the Memorial Day Weekend, once again breeder Hilda Gurney and owner / rider Adrienne Bessey showed what a great partnership they have – Adrienne showed her 4 year old German Oldenburger mare Stunning (Sondheim OLD – Winterprinz) in Training Level classes… and WON THEM ALL!!

It is a PLEASURE to watch Hilda and Adrienne work together with such great success – I can’t wait to watch the future of this threesome!!

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Welcome Back Santana!!

After a 4 year hiatus from the show ring, German Oldenburger Auktion gelding Santana (Carlos) returned today to make his first start in Prix St. Georges… CERTAINLY a work in progress, but SSOO much fun to get back to it!!! Thank you Marta F. Kauffman for letting me show your wonderful horse, Sheryl Stein and Mark Farndale for helping this morning, and OF COURSE Barbara Bella FOR THESE GREAT PHOTOS!!!!! Thank you also #Devoucoux for Carlos’ saddle – we BOTH LOVE IT!!!!

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A ‘Stunning’ Victory!!

Congratulations to breeder Hilda Gurney and owner Adrienne Bessey, on the successful first show for Stunning (Sondheim OLD – Winter Prinz).

At the Dressage Affaire CDI*** held this last weekend (Mar. 21 – 24, 2019) held at the Los Angeles Equestrian Center (Burbank, Ca), Stunning won her Training Level classes with scores into the 70%!!

Ridden by Adrienne, she and Stunning were also the High Score Lower Level Amateur of the show!

This being their very FIRST show, Adrienne and her trainer Hilda did a wonderful job helping this 4 year old German Oldenburger mare navigate the ‘ins and outs’ of a facility that she’d never been to, combined with quite a chilly and breezy first day!

The future is certainly bright for this lovely pair…

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Fun with Vin Noir

Thanks to Barbara Bella for shooting these photos during my ride on our wonderful 4 yr old imported German Oldenburger Elite Auktion mare Vin Noir (Van Vivaldi – Don Gregory).

Vinnie has settled in well here in California, and we are having fun getting to know each other!

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Sondheim Son Wins 4 Yr Old Jumper Championships!!

Congratulations to owner / breeder Carrie Treadway – her Sondheim OLD son Sovereignty (Sondheim OLD – Quattro), ridden by the great Kristin Hardin, WON the 4 Yr Old Jumper Championships at the Sacramento International Horse Show 2018!!!

We look forward to many more successes with this pair!


Au Revoir – U. S. Festival of Champions 2018

Former Oldenburger Elite Auktion gelding Au Revoir (Ampere – Liberty M) just placed 3rd in the Developing Prix St. Georges class at the United States Festival of Champions!!!

I was lucky enough to do the bidding for owner Sandi Chohany, to purchase this talented young horse, and with Heather McCarthy showing him, Au Revoir has proven to be an exceptionally gifted fella!

This is Au Revoir’s first year showing this level, so it is even MORE impressive that Heather was able to qualify him so quickly, much less produce such a great result!!

Congratulations to Sandi AND Heather for producing another wonderful FEI horse!

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GOV Mare Inspection at Keenridge Farm, California

Congratulations to breeder Hilda Gurney, owner Adrienne Bessey, and stallion owner Marta Kauffman, on the results from the GOV Mare Inspection today at Keenridge Farm in California…

Stunning (Sondheim OLD – Winterprinz), 3 yr old mare, was named Premium Mare, and Thomas Rhinow stated that she is the BEST MARE HE HAS SEEN IN THE United States!!!

Also stated was that she is ‘made for the BIG ring – I mean the OLYMPICS!!!’

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