Vin Noir is HOME!!

Please welcome 4yr old Vin Noir (Van Vivaldi – Don Gregory), Oldenburger Elite Auktion mare owned by Marta Kauffman and Jaye Cherry… States Premium Candidate and Brilliantring mare – thank you SSOO MUCH Hof Westendarp  and Philipp Severit for your wonderful care and training while she stayed with you!!! and thank YOU Barbara Bella for these incredible photos!!!!

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Vin Noir Arrives in the U. S. !!

Vin Noir (Van Vivaldi – Don Gregory), Oldenburger Elite Auktion mare, has finally arrived in the U. S. !!

Purchased at the 2017 Oldenburger Elite Auktion in Germany by Marta Kauffman and Jaye Cherry, ‘Vinnie’ stayed at Hof Westendarp with Johannes und Ines Westendarp, for Philipp Severit to ride and show for a bit.

After quarantine, Vinnie will come home to my barn in Burbank – I CAN’T WAIT!!!!!

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A Trip to Play with Vin Noir

In early April, I went to Germany for the Oldenburger Elite Auktion… but REALLY I went to ride our wonderful 4 year old Oldenburger Elite Auktion mare Vin Noir (Van Vivaldi – Don Gregory).

Johannes Westendarp and his lovely rider Philipp Severit are doing SUCH a great job with Vin that my rides were simply fabulous – I cannot thank them and Hof Westendarp enough!!!



Vin Noir’s First Show

Recently, Hof Westendarp’s rider Philipp Severit showed our 4 year old mare Vin Noir (Van Vivaldi  – Don Gregory) for her first time, with great success!!

As it was SNOWING outside, all 15 – 20 horses had to warm up together in the small, 15m x 40m arena!!! Vin showed confidence and maturity beyond her young age…

Many thanks to Hof Westendarp and Philip Severit for their wonderful care and training!!

Vin Noir - first show, 4 yrs old

Vin Noir

Vin Noir

We are SSOO pleased with our new 3 year old mare Vin Noir (Van Vivaldi – Don Gregory), formerly known as Victoria’s Secret, that Marta Kauffman and I purchased at the Oldenburger Elite Auktion in September, 2017.

Here she is under rider Phillip Severit, at Hof Westendarp –


German Oldenburger Fall Elite Auktion 2017

At the recent German Oldenburger Fall Elite Auktion, Marta Kauffman and Jaye Cherry purchased ‘Victoria’s Secret’ – a FABULOUS 3 year old Main Premium (formerly known as States Premium) AND Brilliant Ring mare by Van Vivaldi, out of a Don Gregory Brilliant Ring mare.

She will remain with Johannes Westendarp in Wallenhorst, Germany, for some time to see whether she will compete at the Oldenburger Landeschampionat in June 2018, and the Bundeschampionat in September 2018.

We are SSSOOO EXCITED with this new opportunity!!!!  Enjoy the Auktion video of ‘Victoria’s Secret’…

26 *Victoria Secret – 87. VHA 2017 – YouTube

Seuss Comes ‘Home’


Seuss, Marta Kauffman’s 2 year old GOV Stallion Candidate by Sondheim OLD x De Niro, came in from the field today to begin the next phase of his life.

This young stallion has a most cheerful attitude, along with lovely substance, balance, rhythm, and charm.  We look forward to what the future brings!




GOV Mare Performance Test 2016

At the GOV Mare Performance Test held at Keenridge Farm in Moorpark, Ca., Hilda Gurney’s Sondheim OLD filly Springtime achieved Premium Mare status!  Owned and bred by Hilda, this is Sondheim’s first U. S. foal, and was named a Premium Foal and Foal of Distinction as a baby.

We look forward to many successes in the show ring for Hilda and ‘Spring’!
